This past week has been a very crazy week. Last weekend we found out that we are going back to Marshall University in the Fall and then on Monday Cindy was admitted to the hospital to await Cooper's birth.
It was a very long process for Cindy. She began contractions at 10:00 am on Tuesday but didn't have Cooper until Wednesday. I rode the 9:17 bus back to our apartment that night and was talking with family when Cindy sent a message saying that I needed to come back because they were moving her to the delivery room! I called Karla, a mother of 4 boys who was our translator for the delivery, and she said she could pick me up in about an hour to go back to the hospital.
We arrived to find Cindy pacing around some, ready for Cooper to come on out, but the doctor said it was still going to be a while so we should get some rest. So I slept about 3 hours on the tile floor of the delivery room next door, Karla slept on an extra bed in there, Cindy napped on the delivery table, and even the midwife napped in her desk chair, so we all got some sleep!
Wednesday morning is a blur of helping Cindy through contractions and different doctors coming to check on Cindy. Cindy took four showers throughout the night and morning and had several doses added to her epidural, which sadly wore off as the delivery actually began.
Cooper finally decided it was time to come out at 10:45 that morning amidst a flurry Cindy pushing, a doctor helping push on her belly to push him out and the aid of the vacuum extractor. Cooper weighed 3.9 Kilo (about 8 1/2 lbs) and was 51 cm (20 inches) long. He had gotten a little stuck, but the doctors did a great job getting him out. And now everybody is home after a four day stint in the hospital.
Cooper and Cindy joyfully returned home on Easter Sunday and enjoyed a great Easter lunch at Karla's house. Now comes the fun part of seeing what life actually looks like with a baby!
Isn't he handsome?

We are very grateful that God brought Cindy and Cooper through the delivery safely. We are excited to see where God takes us as a family over these next 20 years!

Yay! Congratulations guys!
Too precious! I just can't wait to see you all again soon!! ~Sarah
He is beautiful! Cindy, what an awesome job! Way to hang in there!
He is beautiful. I have been showing his pictures to everyone. Most people who knew Rick when he was a baby think he looks like him, but everyone thinks he is beautiful.
Can't wait to hold him.
Again...he is beautiful!!!! I am so thrilled for you all. I can't wait for more pictures to come...
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