We bought our first house back in August! It is an older home, built in 1925, but it is in great shape and has had a lot of work done to it. The Lord definitely blessed us with a nice house we could afford in a good area.
Since getting the house, I worked with my father-in-law, Charlie, and his buddy John to do some updates on the house. We pulled out a drop ceiling and put up a real ceiling, torn down wallpaper and painted, and have installed a dishwasher. Several people have come by along the way to help with painting and moving stuff in, which is a huge blessing. So it has been busy ever since, and we're still not finished. We have some painting to finish, a ceiling fan to install, wanescating to install in the dining room and crown molding in the master bedroom. It is a work in progress, but we are living in it now and it is really starting to feel like home. Once we get all of the boxes unpacked we will put up some more pics of the house, but for now you can at least see what it looks like from the outside.
Our neighbors are great as well, which is a huge relief. We can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us here and what the adventures will look like. Cooper and Ally seem to be enjoying their first home as well.